Stylized Photography & Flat Lay


Flat lay - What does it mean

Flat lay photography is simply the perfect bird’s eye view. Their characteristic feature is a carefully arranged composition, photographed centrally over objects. We choose it based on the most important item that we want to show. The rest of the elements fulfill its thematic complement.

Pictures are taken in our studio, using professional photographic equipment. We provide preparation of a proper arrangement for flat lay compositions. This method is one of the most used in culinary photos.

This is one of the current trends in photography, and gained popularity mainly through Instagrama. That’s where millions of photos tagged with hashtags are added every day: 

#flatlays #flatlayforever #flatlaystyle #flatlaytoday #flatlayinspiration #fashionflatlay.


Such images are very useful:

Culinary photography - Photos of food, dishes, drinks

We specialize in attractive presentation of food in the pictures. We provide professional sessions for the needs of catering companies and food producers. It’s more than just pictures. Appetizing the product stimulates our senses and the desire to taste this specialty, especially when we are hungry 😉.

High-quality photographs are an indispensable element of every gastronomic establishment, it is the photos that will encourage customers to try your offer of dishes.

Such images are very useful:

Check us from time to time on Social Media to see what is going on!

We are happy to share with you the latest news and events related to the life of our studio in social media.


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Please call: 773 396-2673