Business Photography - "Work Atmosphere"

The perception of the company has a significant impact on its functioning in the environment.

Our specialty is business photography, or a photo session ideally suited to the image needs of the photographed person. The purpose of business images are eye-catching images that emphasize the personality and charisma of the person portrayed. If we want to gain the trust of our clients, we can not remain anonymous. In making our choices, we are not only guided by a cold and matter-of-fact calculation, but also by purely human issues, such as the friendly image of the company and the people who create it. A service targeted specifically at an organization in which the personality and image of leaders has a significant impact on the perception of the entire organization.

Shaping the image of the organization plays an important role in gaining new clients. The growing competition and constant development of the organization makes the image an important marketing goal. It is important that the organization received and remembered positively in the mind of the environment. Business photography is a great tool for shaping the company’s image.


We want to take part in it, ask for costs

From the offer to the prepared graphic material

How do we work for companies? Work atmosphere.

If you send us an inquiry, within 24 hours you will receive a photo session valuation in your office. We will understand the needs and jointly define its goals and assumptions. We will find appropriate locations for photos, we will advise on the dress code.
Once you get us involved in your project …

On the day of the session, we will be on site an hour before the start of the photo. We set the lighting of the photo sets, so that during the session be focused only on portraits. There is always a make-up artist with us who also takes care of hair and the appearance of clothes. A good atmosphere on the set – shows the naturalness of the portrayed – it is really our product – we sell naturalness and honesty in a clear and positive message. Do not take our word for it – see this naturalness in our pictures. We work efficiently, appreciating and respecting the time you spend on photos.

We bring hundreds or even thousands of photos from the session – it’s much too much to choose something from them without the help of the photo management tools we have at our disposal. Therefore, although all photos from the session always belong to the client – we will make the initial selection – choosing approximately 20% of the best. Selected photos from the session will be available on the day of the session. The selection will still be very wide. At this stage, we ask that the client chooses photos that we will prepare graphically. As a rule, this is the longest stage in the process.

Contemporary professional photography does not actually exist without computer photo processing – and business photos are no exception. When you send us the numbers of images selected for processing, thanks to the skillful treatments in the Lightroom and Photoshop, the photos will get the final atmosphere. We correct the outline of the figure, remove unnecessary elements of the composition, “iron the clothes”, and improve the complexion. We need a week to process selected photos.

Along with invoice payment, you get full copyright for their use of photos in all fields (excluding advertising), with no time limits and territorial restrictions. Thanks to them, press publications, websites, folders, catalogs, and annual reports will gain a lot. It will gain your good image. We will store your photos and if you ever lost them – we will have them.

After the whole process, which if you quickly choose your photos – it may take 8 days, we issue an invoice with a 14-day payment period.

Business photography is a priceless "first impression"

Probably most people will first see you in the photo – in Linkedin, company website, photo in the footer of an email, a photo in a CV or a press release. The features that will be assigned to the person in the first contact, significantly affect the perception of this person in the further stage of the relationship. This is scientifically proven, so-called the effect of a halo, that is, assigning further personality traits only on the basis of this first impression. The first impression is mainly affected by how you look in the photo. You are not able to impress your knowledge, culture or smartness with others. Later. In order for you to be positively received by another person who sees you for the first time, you must first and foremost inspire his confidence. We can help you.

Business photos - what needs does the client have?

Before the session, it is necessary to determine what photos the client expects, what their purpose is and what image effects their publication will bring – what do we communicate?
Despite what you can see very often – it should not be a picture of offended people with folded arms.

Sometimes a local vision is useful in your office and in the neighborhood to find interesting photographic plans and see how the natural light works, which during the photos can be a powerful ally of the photographer.

Thanks to a mobile studio, or a set of studio lamps with its own battery power, we can work almost anywhere.

The course of a business photo session

First of all – our priority is good communication with the client. We always listen to your needs and, at the same time, we offer advice and experience. Without a good atmosphere during the session there will be no good photos.

Secondly – we have the concept of a photo session as a whole, and at the same time we pay attention to the smallest details and run the hand of our models. This means that our pictures are smiling and natural.

Thirdly – business photography, corporate photography and photos “work atmosphere” is a key part of the company’s visual identity – an investment in how others perceive it.

Why You Should Choose Us

High Quality

Fast Turnaround Time

Preparation of Various File Formats

Files to be Downloaded from the Server

We operate throughout the country!

California / Chicago / New York

Check us from time to time on Social Media to see what is going on!

We are happy to share with you the latest news and events related to the life of our studio in social media.

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Fill out the form and we will help you choose the best option for your needs. If you have a specific query, 
Please call: 773 396-2673